Ten years ago, three dreamers set out to build a restaurant in the middle of a beloved River Oaks nursery. We named it Tiny Boxwoods, after the little potted trees that can always be found throughout the garden. We didn't have enough staff to open for breakfast or lunch, so we spent the first week giving out lattes for free to anyone that walked in the door. In some ways, we had no idea what we were doing. Build a beautiful space, cook fresh, from scratch food, and then create a culture of happy employees that would be proud of the work we were doing, and then just hope people came. We wanted to create something that would become a part of people's lives. A place they could call their happy place. With all the change and growth in the last 10 years, we remain as proud of our Tinys today as we were the day we opened.
To this day, Baron Doke, Gregg Thompson, and Lance Thompson remain as close as partners can be, and watch over Tinys as if it's one of their own children. You couldn't love what you do more than these three. They have built places that act as their own favorite places. They are regulars for coffee in the morning, they bring their children to Milk & Cookies for ice cream, and always celebrate special moments at one of their stores.
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